News — Portra800

Synchronized film speed exposure test - Fujifilm Pro400H | Fujifilm Superia 800 | Kodak Portra 800 | CineStill 800Tungsten

Posted by CineStill on

We wanted to do a real world test of the best ISO rating of CineStill in Tungsten light. So we built a rig that synchronized 4 Nikon cameras with 50mm lenses on them, in order to test 4 great film stocks rated at different ISO's. Though CineStill is natively an EI500 film, we expected it to to prove comparable to an ISO800 film in low light. As a low end control we also threw in a roll of...

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Beta test of 500T, P400, & P800 pushed in tungsten light

Posted by CineStill on

P400 vs 500T vs P800 rated at EI 800 and underexposed a stop.

Portra400 pushed 2 stops to 1600  vs CineStill 500T pushed 2 stops to 2000

CineStill 500T pushed 2 stops to 2000  vs  Portra800 pushed 1 stop to 1600

 CineStill 500T at EI 800ish, normal processing. Dimly lit bar.  Leica M2 Nokton 35mm 1.2

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Beta test of 500T & P800 in tungsten light

Posted by CineStill on

This is our fist side by side analysis once we perfected Premoval.  CineStill 500Tungsten xPro C41 alongside Portra 800 normal processing, straight scan, 100%. The original 500T in ECN2 chemicals had bit more pronounced shadow grain than the CineStill in C-41, but nearly identical latitude and color balance.

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