50 ISO fine grain 35mm true black and white reversal film
36 exposures loaded into non-DX coded plastic cassettes
Coated onto clear PET film base
Increased silver content for high sharpness and resolving power
Very good max. contrast range ('dynamic range')
Very low Dmin (brillant highlights)
Very high Dmax (deep black shadows)
Neutral to slight warm tone
Product Details
Adox SCALA 50 is an ultra fine grained superpanchromatic B&W transparency (slide) film with very high resolution, excellent sharpness, very high Dmax, and a clear film base. All of which combine to create beautiful B&W slides that can be projected several times their own size.
ADOX Scala 50 can be developed in the ADOX Scala B&W Reversal Kit and by professional labs which offer B&W reversal processing like Photo Studio 13 in Stuttgart, Germany (mail order and international shipping).