Welcome 2017!

Posted by Brandon on

2016 was a long year for us with the excitement for this project accompanied by some setbacks, brutal heartbreak and loss. Needless to say, we are welcoming 2017 with open arms! 
It's been a year of challenges and learning. The number one thing we've learned is, never know what to expect. We could not have expected the amount of support we would receive from you all nor just how difficult it would all be. Currently, we are still working on wrapping up final shipping arrangements for getting your Alpha production film shipped to you. We are excited to hear your response!
This year is going to be huge for analog film! We are working, even now, on making 120 available for retail purchase around the world by March or possibly even sooner. All of the perks for our Indiegogo and Backerkit supporters will be shipped in the next month and we are still going! Financially, this project has costed much more than projected, to the extent that we have now matched nearly dollar for dollar what you contributed to get production off the ground. That just goes to show, we really could not have done this without you!
I know some of you feel that this has all taken far too long and your patience is wearing to say the least. We apologize for every delay and any gaps of silence. Please know that we are doing everything we can and are in this for the long haul, for you and the analog film community! Our commitment is unwavering. Your support was an investment and a seed that was planted. You helped us by accepting small portion of the risk to make such a large venture possible! You are the bold and the brave, the backbone of the analog renaissance and the first fruits of your investment are on their way! Thank you!
We will be making another trip out to CineStill East in Rochester this month to continue our work to make more and better CineStill Film. Please follow us on Instagram for updates! @CineStillFilm
If you would like to check on your pledge status, go to BackerKit (cinestill-120.backerkit.com) and log in with the same email used for your Indiegogo account. From there you can check your pledge level, verify your address and add on items to your perk!
Once again, happy new year and we look forward to letting you know when we have shipped your perks! Blessings in 2017!

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  • I am so glad I found your site. I am very pleased that you have taken on making 120 medium format film, and also 4×5 sheet film. If in the next few years you make 70mm available in non perf that will make my day “so to speak.”

    Carroll Heacock on

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